
In 2015, the Company continued to promote the scientific research and successfully declared the following projects, including 3 final assembly scientific research projects, 1 Internet of Things project of the provincial-level Commission of Economy and Information Technology, 3 new products emphatically promoted and applied in the emerging industries by Nanjing Commission of Economy and Information Technology, 1 provincial-level new high-tech product, Provincial Engineering Technology Center of Provincial Science and Technology Commission and Municipal Technical Center of Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology.

昌江| 巴东县| 营山县| 五寨县| 宜章县| 讷河市| 盐边县| 韩城市| 新巴尔虎右旗| 聂拉木县| 万源市| 勐海县| 井研县| 孝感市| 白朗县| 宜川县| 肥西县| 陵川县| 永年县| 汉川市| 阜城县| 渭源县| 平罗县| 正宁县| 大关县| 黄梅县| 石河子市| 湛江市| 崇明县| 凤阳县| 泰安市| 涿鹿县| 黎川县| 武强县| 雷山县| 乳源| 武安市| 全南县| 驻马店市| 营山县| 南漳县|