

HDC-1500AK2 series Hall current sensor is a new generation of current sensor using the principle of Hall effect. It can measure currents of DC, AC, pulse and various irregular waveform under electrical isolation.

HDC-1500AK2 series Hall current sensor is a new generation of current sensor using the principle of Hall effect. It can measure currents of DC, AC, pulse and various irregular waveform under electrical isolation.

肃北| 余姚市| 武功县| 沅江市| 凭祥市| 西吉县| 繁峙县| 恩平市| 盘山县| 达孜县| 嘉峪关市| 桦川县| 名山县| 江都市| 崇明县| 桂阳县| 略阳县| 潮州市| 北京市| 永年县| 普兰店市| 梨树县| 习水县| 隆安县| 禹城市| 麻阳| 永德县| 扶余县| 宜良县| 连云港市| 宁南县| 西昌市| 宿松县| 阳西县| 明光市| 九龙坡区| 杨浦区| 京山县| 祁连县| 张北县| 平安县|